Wantshes *Holiday* edition
Make a wish !
Make the most of your holiday & ME-time. Create wish- and bucket lists. Schedule fun activities to do and try new things.
Now is the best time to bring positive changes to your life. Wantshes the Happy Goal Tracker motivates you to achieve your happy goals.
In our very first Holiday special release of the app you can:
* Make “wantshes”: your wishes, wants and personal goals
* Choose inspiring covers for wantshes from your camera or gallery
* Color-code your wantshes to prioritize goals
* Connect your goals to your interests & hobbies
* Complete your wantshes, achieve your happy goals
We are more than a bucket list app. We motivate you to act on your wish list items with a positive call to action.
* List things you want to start, taste, learn and achieve
* Do more with every wantshes: add to-go’s, to-make’s, and more
* Plan your travels, purchases and visits
Wantshes is your private wishlist and achievement diary that is always with you. Right now, we’re developing Wantshes to add a bunch of new, social features. Scroll down to learn what’s coming next.
Today, download and try Wantshes to start tracking your happy goals :)
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We’re working hard on the next version of Wantshes. It is coming very soon with new exciting features:
* Invite your friends to wantsh together
* Add shared goals and competitions to do wantshes with your friends
* Change privacy to share your goals or make some private
* See what your friends are into and join their wantshes
* Manage your time to complete wantshes with a “finished soon” tab
* Engage with each others’ profiles and comment on friends’ wantshes
* Make photo proofs for activities as you do them
… and more. We aim to constantly improve to meet our customers’ wishes and wants. Join the Wantshes community and share how we can make your Wantshes experience the best.
许个愿 !
我们正在努力开发下一版的《 Washshes》。即将推出的新功能令人兴奋:
… 和更多。我们的目标是不断改进以满足客户的需求。加入Wantshes社区,分享我们如何使您的Wantshes体验达到最佳。